轉載自Phil的<為什麼暗潮的要求那麼多? Why Dark Tide so picky on me?>

此處是William 的發言: 在開篇之前我想說的是,其實IANTD CHINA的總部引擎室也應該寫一篇<為什麼引擎室要求呢麽多>, 雖然大陸的台灣的入門課程不同,我們的是Infinity , 台灣是Essential . 但是殊途同歸.如果想對Infinity課程瞭解詳情的,請訪問





為什麼暗潮的要求那麼多? Why Dark Tide so picky on me? 2017年2月19日

  • 隨著潛水圈越來越多人的加入,以往不那麼另人注目的技術潛水,在這幾年台灣TDI , GUE, RAID, SSI及IANTD的教練及潛店的火熱廣告下,藉由網路上驚人的影片及相片,開始打動更多人想往更深、更未知的領域進修!暗潮在2016年開業,接續著以往教授IANTD技術潛水的過往經驗,我們能感受到市場上對這一個領域的熱情及急切的求知慾!
  • As the scuba diving popularity grow, Tech Diving getting more and more attention by these years TDI, GUE, RAID, SSI and IANTD’s promotion photos and videos online. Tech Diving starts to seduce divers to explore the deeper, and unknown underwater area. Dark Tide started from 2016, basing on experience teaching IANTD Tech Diving programs, we sense the divers eager and passion to getting into this.
  • 然而,在2016暗潮並沒有開出很多技術潛水的課程,反而我們花了很多時間在最基本的Essentials Diver精進潛水員課程上。大部份對技潛有興趣的學生都被我們要求先上Essentials Diver將基本技潛原則及個人技術札實的練起來,再進一步進入IANTD Tek Lite技潛基礎課程(包含了同等級的Advanced Nitrox進階高氧或Advanced Recreational Trimix(ART)進階休閒氦氮氧課程,兩者皆是減壓潛水,並且可以超過40公尺,ART課程可以下到51公尺)。經過了以上的課程,才能真正進入IANTD Technical Normoxic Trimix Diver 氦氮氧技術潛水員課程。
  • However, Dark Tide didn’t have lots of schedule for tech diving courses, instead, we spend lots of time to teach the basic Essentials Diver Course. For most of customers coming for Tech Diving education, we ask them to start from Essentials Diver Course to form the solid fundamental of personal diving skills and mind set, then move on the IANTD Tek Lite programs such as Advanced Nitrox & Advanced Recreational Trimix(ART) Diver program. Both these course are decompression diving and over 40m limit, ART can even go to 51m now. After these course, you can finally into IANTD Technical Normoxic Trimix Diver Course that help you to go deeper.
  • 而很多客人對於我們開出先上完Essentials再往上進入Tek Lite學習減壓潛水並跨越40米深度界限的要求不以為然!但您必需要了解,技術潛水之所以不同於休閒潛水,在於技術潛水所深入的領域,對於潛水團隊的計劃及個人的動作水準要求非常高,但對潛水過程中的容錯度卻相對的非常低,不論在超過40米深的海中,或是無法直接出水面的洞穴及沉船裏,潛水員所有的小錯誤都會累積成無法解決的問題,最後造成遺憾!
  • Lots of customers are not really happy for our request to get Essentials Certification before entering Tek Lite to go over 40m limit. Please understand that Tech Diving is different from Recreational Diving in the high requirement of personal diving skills, dive plan and team work, and low tolerance of any problems that happen during the dive. No matter in the depth that over 40m, in the overhead environment like the wreck or the cave, all the small problems will cumulate then turn into an unsolved panic that cause the accident.
  • 所以我們對不想花時間在上Essentials的客人說:証明給我們看你準備好了,或是去另請高明!而到現在,大部份的客人都是再也沒回來過,僅僅一位願意花時間跟著我潛水証明給我看,而他高分過關!在這10年的教學生涯,我見過很多學生,擁有很多的經驗、聰明的頭腦,但在上課時,卻不願意配合技術潛水的基本要求,不論在裝備的配置,減壓理論的實作,都想辨法投機取巧,省下功夫,完全不知,你犧牲的是你潛伴的安全及你自己進步的機會!對他們來說,技術潛水只是一個他們用來炫耀自己的工具!
  • So we just ask those who don’t want to spend time and money on Essentials Certification, or think they are ready for tech diving to prove us with one dive. Most of customers didn’t prove to me. Only one student willing to follow my rule, and he impressed me with his perfect buoyancy control and skills in the dive. In these 10 years of teaching, I met lots of students, they are smart, and quite experienced. But in the course, they tried to walk the short cut to just meet the minimum requirement in gears, deco plan, and skills. They really don’t know what they lose is the chance to improve yourself, and the safety of your dive buddies. T○ them, tech diving is nothing but a tool to show up.
  • 你需要有完美的中性浮力才不會錯過你的減壓停留!
  • You need to have perfect buoyancy control not to miss your deco stop!
  • 你需要有正確裝備構造及技巧,才能與你的潛伴共生呼吸穿過狹小的船艙、洞穴!
  • You need to have correct gear configuration and skills to share gas with your buddy passing through narrow hatch or cave channel.
  • 你需要有正確的知識及判斷,才能與潛伴討論出一個幾近完備的潛水計劃!
  • You need to have correct knowledge and judgement to prepare an almost-perfect dive plan with your buddies!
  • 你需要有熟練的技巧應付水中的所有變化及意外發生!
  • You need to familiar all the skills you are taught to handle underwater environment change and all the gear failures that could happen in water.
  • 你不會在只爬過七星山主峰就說明天能挑戰上喜馬拉雅山,技術潛水也是如此!暗潮引領你找到你心中的那個探險家,並且樂意幫助你一步步的踏實你的腳步,往更深更有挑戰的深淵前進!當然這都需要紮實的訓練、一定的時間,及最重要的是你的持續投入!而暗潮一直在這裏為願意跟我們用一樣的腳步行進的人服務!
  • You won’t think that you are able to climb Mount Himalayas just after you on top of a 300 meter high hill, so do the Tech Diving. Dark Tide is helping you to discover the Explorer in you, and willing to make your every steps firm and worthy toward the dark side! Of course, this take time, solid training and the most important of all is that you devoted yourself into this. Dark Tide will be here service every diver willing to take firm steps like us!!
  •  最後,針對不了解IANTD及暗潮的潛友,我們再次強調:我們不是〝缺乏彈性〞,我們是〝堅守原則〞。
  • In the end, to those who don’t understand IANTD and Dark Tide, but tried to judge us on internet. WE ARE NOT “INFLEXIBLE”, WE ARE “PRINCIPLED”.

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