【大神系列】Andrew Couch是如何炼成的(第二弹)




A PADI/IANTD/TDI/GUE/RAID instructor based in Hongkong




这位大神在PADI享有很高的地位。还是香港Madarin divers俱乐部的Managing parnter(管理合伙人)。







2003年我成了PADI OWSI并且在2007年成为了PADI的课程总监。03年我搬去了香港并且开始在Mandarin Divers工作,现在我已经是Mandarin Divers的管理合伙人了。过去的14年,我成了一个技潜教练,教开放循环呼吸系统和密闭式循环呼吸系统,包括PADI, IANTD, TDI, RAID的三混气。我最近还获得了GUE的教练资格。

当我开始在Mandarin Divers工作的时候我就在菲律宾获得了PADI的技术深潜资格。同一年我开始和IANTD学CCR。后来我完成了各种各样的三混气、CCR和开放式呼吸系统课程。先后成了5个CCR品牌的教练/IT。















答:带着CCR在60m顶流,并且因为轻微松掉的嘴导致呼吸管里少量进水有点令人难受。我清晰记得因为不能够通过足够的吸气来从mushroom valve(蘑菇阀门?)清除积水导致开始呛水。这是我第一次在水下真正感到恐惧。这时候我才明白为什么技术潜水需要那么多枯燥的训练。不用说,当我恢复冷静并且当我的感官恢复正常,我凭借着长久以来的训练记忆和准确的判断得以安全升水。



答:我选择buddy非常的谨慎。他们必须和我有着相似的思维。这里面包括经历了差不多的训练,有差不多的技能,有差不多的装备。并不是每个人都是一样的,这里面有妥协。但是在那些我们一起去大深度探险的团队里,我们有着很高的相似性并且我们在准备潜水上极度的严谨和苛刻。不得不说,谦虚也是我选择队友一个很大的因素。我们不总是会成为大推进潜水员(big push diver)。我也认识很多过度自信的潜水员和他们一起潜水我并不感到安全。






这里附上大神所在的香港俱乐部Mandarin Divers的官网:http://mandarin-divers.com/index.html

你也可以通过facebook搜索Andrew Couch找到他。



1. Could you please introduce your diving experience? and what encouraged you to do tech dive?

I started diving in Thailand when I was 10 years old and 23 years later am still enjoying the underwater life.

I became a PADI OWSI in 2003 and rose to become a PADI Course Director in 2007. I moved to Hong Kong in 2003 and began working for Mandarin Divers of which I am now a managing partner. In the past 14 years I have become a Technical Instructor Trainer on open circuit and closed circuit rebreathers up to full Trimix for PADI, IANTD, TDI, RAID and have recently become a GUE Instructor. When I began working for Mandarin Divers, I took my PADI Tec Deep Diver Course in 2003 in the Philippines and in the same year started on the road with CCR diving with IANTD. Since then I have gone on to complete numerous Trimix CCR and OC dives around the world and have qualified as an Instructor/IT on 5 different CCR units.

I have been fortunate to dive with a learn from some of the best divers and Instructors the sport has produced and they have given me a particular enjoyment of technical diving especially wrecks and caves.

2. What do you think is the best way to improve diving technique? What’s the diving technique that you think is the most important?

I believe that divers can never assume that they know everything. I am a firm believer in continuously striving to learn more no matter how long you have been diving or how many qualifications you have. Gaining further qualifications is fruitful but nothing compares to actual experience and applying the knowledge and skills gained in training. I think that awareness is the key attribute for a diver to possess, be they recreational or technical divers. Having an awareness of your team/buddy, environment and equipment will always have a positive impact on your diving and making for a safe and successful diving experience.

3. What’s the biggest achievement in your diving experience? What’s your happiest experience? 

I would say my biggest achievement and happiest experiences are wrapped up as one. I don’t consider my diving as individualist but a team effort. Working as part of a team to explore wrecks in the Philippines beyond 100m has for me been a great team achievements. I love nothing more than exploring the history of a wreck and then experiencing and seeing that history with my own eyes, these rate as my happiest moments in diving. Fortunately I have been able to experience these sites on numerous occasions and have a great team of divers that I work with and we are all comfortable in our understanding of the others skills and attributes.  We have moved into exploring Caves both in Asia and other places in the world which continuing to amaze me in what they produce.

4. Have you ever encounter any difficulty or major setback?

Being 60m underwater on a CCR swimming hard against a current and feeling a small amount of water in the breathing hoses from slightly ‘loose’ lips. I remember not being able to draw enough breath to clear the water through the mushroom valve and beginning to choke. It was the first time I was truly scared underwater and the time I really realised why all the rigorous training is required for Technical Diving. Needless to say once I calmed myself and my senses returned I was able to trust my training and make the right decisions and ascend safely.

5. How do you choose buddy? How is your buddy? 

I choose my buddies/team mates very carefully. They must be like minded, by this I mean they must have like minded goals for a dive, like minded training and skill set, like minded ideas on equipment set up. Not everybody is the same and there is compromise but in the above aspects with the divers I have had several successful deep exploration dives with there are not many differences between us and we are very rigourous in our preparations. I would also say being humble is something I look for in a team mate. We are not always going to be the big push diver and I have known several over confident divers who I have not felt safe going into the water with.

6. What is a qualified wreck diver? what makes you go wreck again and again?

To me a ‘qualified’ wreck diver is someone who likes a challenge but can remain realistic and honest in their diving. Too many people have got hurt or worse insude a wreck and these incidences have been in part from pursuing a dive beyond their limits, limits of their skill set, equipment or the team limits. I like to explore and experience things people haven’t but not at the risk of myself and others in my team. We never break the golden rules of wreck or cave diving – not having a line back to the exit or going beyond the limits of gas or time for the same of seeing what is around the next corner.









